Saturday 14 March 2015

Are Arsenal A Good Bet For The Title?

For most of this season Arsenal have looked more like troubling the Europa League than the trophy engravers - yet after winning five on the trot, Arsene Wenger's men may just be in with a sniff of the title.

In the 3-0 win against West Ham the Gunners looked fluid and like they could destroy a robust team from any angle in a way that we haven't seen for a long time. With Walcott now fit, Welbeck, Ozil, Ramsey, Cazorla, Sanchez and Giroud all beginning to look like they might click, it's not impossible to imagine the Gunners continuing their run for a while yet.

They're now just six points behind Chelsea, albeit with the blues having two games in hand. However one of those is tomorrow against Champions League chasing Southampton, who no one has found an easy prospect all season.

They certainly look a better bet than Manchester City, whose title charge appears to have got stuck in the Lancashire hills this evening.

The Gunners also have to face Chelsea - normally as source of grief for Arsene Wenger's men, but with the blues not quite looking the side that cruised through the autumn now, with a few more wins it could take on an entirely different complexion, if Arsenal can remain in touch. Could Arsenal finally shed the hoodoo Jose Mourinho teams have had over them? If it were a dead game you'd say almost certainly not, but if the pressure were entirely on a Chelsea team that have long been penciled in as champions, it might be a different matter.

There are just enough 'competitive' fixtures for a turn round to be a possibility, as both Arsenal and Chelsea will have to face Liverpool and Manchester United teams embroiled in a brutal scrap for fourth. In addition Chelsea have to go to Loftus Road - a gimme for other teams, but sure to be a West London war if QPR can bring cheer to a misreable season by ending their hated neighbours title hopes.

Could it be a turn round akin to the  great run-ins of 1997/98 and 2001/02. Almost certainly not - but at a best price of 40-1 on Oddschecker, they may well be worth a punt even if that price drops slightly, especially before Chelsea-Southampton.

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