Wednesday 8 May 2013

Wikipedia's Exclusive: Carlton Palmer Set To Take Over From Sir Alex Ferguson At Man United?

Most of the footballing world seems to think that David Moyes is set to take over from Sir Alex Ferguson upon his retirement from management.

However if Wikipedia is to be believed this evening the Scot is only set to get the job because a more absurdly legged man turned the job down to spend more time with his betting company:

As someone who's witnessed Carlton's heroic feats in the flesh, all I can say is that the Stretford End should be weeping salt tears that they won't get to sing about Carlton's alleged predilection for a toke on the funny fags, nor his proportionately tiny head next season.

On second thoughts, maybe it's the hilarious web-japeseters who've had too much of Carlton's rumoured herbal remedy of choice.

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